I have a new found enthusiasm for hash browns in the morning. I know, its a bombshell so I’ll let you compose yourself. Normally I shy away from potatoes because 1) they are boring as hell 2) not very nutritious and 3) I don't have a pot at home or any inclination to roast potatoes. But here we are me and potatoes, potatoes and me together finally united. I have a hash brown every morning now along with 2 poached eggs, 2 grilled tomatos, mushrooms and baked bean. Now you might be wonder how this all comes about and I’ll tell you: I order it out the office canteen everyday, without fail except on weekends – I don’t go to work on weekends.

Besides this, I watched the new Assassins Creed film, which was actually a lot of fun and they did a good job basing it on the aspects of the game. I also bought a free book from the Kindle store about Git. Its called “Pro Git” and its pretty good. Wonder why is was free? Very happy with that. Also had a look at a book about the Linux Kernel at V0.99 which it thoroughly dissects from Bios load up to assembly and real to protected mode transition to even setting up the new protected mode interrupt vectors – bit intense for my weekend, so I settled on Git.

I had a good session at the gym this morning and I actually went for a run today. Basically because I’m taking a break from running (on account of my calf), I usually take the bus but for some reason the bus terminated early and I decided to run the rest of the way. Not bad, eh? Didn’t feel any issue with my calf.

Been using tmux recently – very nice – its a bit like screen but its nicer somehow.

Oh and I cleaned up my flat – its so bloody spanking clean I don't want to wash my dishes.

Heard a guy say of the recent travel disruptions in london: “The last 5 minutes of my journey, took me an hour!”