Ever since The uncomfortable steady-state, I've been out more often and its starting to become a lot easier to get comfortable with the runs (as I knew it would).
Yesterday I went for a run and ended up averaging a very good (well, for me at least) run averaging 4:25/km which is a substantial improvement to be performances of late. The run registered quite a high TSS of 122 and so quite a lot more effort according to the stats. Interesting thing is that I started off badly. Within about 2 minutes of the run, I had already an ache in my side - like a cramp which did not bode well however, it slowly withered away which was surprising.
I wouldn't say the run was particularly tough notwithstanding what the statistics say. This must mean I'm improving. I did run with my lighter running shoes which might have made my strides a lot more 'fluid' perhaps.
I didn't sleep particularly well afterwards and I've been finding that to be the case after my runs recently. A co-founding factor might well be the temperature at night being elevated because of its summer.
I also ran a bit further than usual, I did an extra half-loop detour which edged my distance up somewhat. I do find that when I do something different like this, something differently occurs! In this case, I'd like to think it contributed to my performance in some transient way.
I've also spent more time being more observant of my surroundings recently. So for instance, I look out into people's yards and notice people looking out the windows etc. Other things catch my attention too, like different coloured pots in things and other things that I'd not really pay much attention to in the past. This might contribute to the effectiveness of the run because mental exercise affects perception and If I'm enjoying something then the physical strain/stress is not as much a singular focus.