I have four things to report. First, is that my Perl script doesn't seem to want to work under windows anymore and I don’t want to know why. I just want it to work and it annoys me that doesn’t - it just stopped working, which is impossible because logic doesn't change unless you change it and I didn't – I am so annoyed with it.

I’m also unwell which might explain why I’m annoyed and trying to avoid fixing my Perl script because I know its not broken. My python script works just fine. 

I lost my voice the last couple of days and its been annoying too. I sounded like a ostrich. I got on the bus the other day to buy a ticket and the bus driver had to ask me again what fare I wanted. I sounded like the god father with strepsils.  I think my Perl script is also sick. We’re not having a good time right now and we don’t care. I think we’re feeling very sorry for ourselves.

I’ve been working on a web app that I ported from Java into C# but I’ve reached that pivotal time where I’ve just realised that Its finished and that I should really move on and leave it be. Ultimately I always come back around later on to move it onto the next stage but right now, I’m not with it. I just sat and started at it for about 2 hours the other day. Maybe all of this is because I’m unwell. I’ve not slept very well either because at night I sound like a dog fight. Ironically I also sounds like air craft being shot down out of the sky, Its annoying too.

I have also been having memorable dreams lately and usually I’m protected from them by forgetfulness. The last two dreams were hopeless weird but amazingly familiar. I enjoyed the most recent once but I cant remember why. Typical. 

This probably means I’m getting better.

I bought these sugar-free variants of cough syrup and throat lozenges and I must say, I think we’re moving up in the world!

Electric cars, sugar-free lozenges. Well done! I watched a program once about drug addicts and how their teeth are so bad because of drug intake and cough medicine, but  I think its mostly because of the amphetamine dependency...and not  But that just partly influenced my decision.  Though, I’m sure someone will invent a flavoured toothpaste that has sugar in it. It probably will or has but I’m too weak(read lazy) to look it up on the internet. I’m actually not that sick now and I’m much better.

I’ve not been working out for about 10 days now which is fine, I know from bitter experience that exercise does not help you get better.

Actually someone died at my pre-school once after playing netball with bronchitis. So I’m taking this opportunity not to die. That’s a true story and I’ve learnt from it.

And ultimately the rest is good for me, psychologically: Doing the same thing all the time can be tough on the mind and the body. Though I think all this rest is building up into a future super-crazy exercise spurt which I fear might result in an over enthusiastic kick-start which might pull a muscle or injure myself. I’ve done that before...

I need to be cautious and ease into it. I came back from South Africa once after two weeks of no gym and the first day back I hurt my calf. I was limping like a new born antelope and on account of me looking like one, I also had to stop running, which was a double whammy and it was sore. So maybe I wont do that again.

I’ve been reading up on D3.js to build cool interactive charts and visualizations. I got to the 3rd chapter and it was wearing me down – I attribute that to my temporary decline in health. Though I’ve been thinking about it during the day today which is a good sign that I’ll be back whizzing through the chapters very soon. I have a network layout visualization in my java app which I’d like port over to the c# app but because I adapted some prewritten code which bases the algorithm I used to generate the chart data and it itself relied on a query on the Neo4J database, which is funky,  I’ve got to rewrite it so its coming from MS SQL and I need to know exactly how I did it so I’m properly structuring node and edge data in JavaScript so I can recreate it in C# from scratch. Its quite interesting however.

I found myself in the City again after 12 months of being relatively out of the city. I’ve been fairly rural of late, working out in Buckinghamshire for the last 12 months(had my 7 year aniversery at Citrix yesterday) but it looks like I’m destined to head back inland.

Funny you think not much changes in the city but it does and you know what, I don’t think the city really cares how I feel about it. I always through that you’d grow close the the familiarities of a place that you’ve spent some time with and somehow think that It has a soul and personality... Nope. But I’m not surprised really. I’ve never really felt like the city ever owed me anything anyway – even the sense of what familiarity might afford you.

I guess I’ve learnt that before – nothing and no one owes you anything and you really are no one. What really counts is what you are to yourself, irrespective to where you find yourself. That’s a good thought.

Man, I didn’t even know the iPhone 10 was out.